How my journey began


For many years I had high anxiety levels and depression. I suffered in silence like many others do, always saying that I was ok, laughing and joking on the outside but inside there was a battle raging. This battle was so exhausting and affected my everyday life and relationships. The constant fighting that was happening internally manifested in many ways, sleep deprivation, over-eating, under-eating, not wanting to venture outside or to socialise, it was running my life and affecting those who loved and cared for me. I regularly had suicide ideation, and the overwhelming feeling of letting others down or being a burden on others

Then came the day when I knew that the time had come to get help, although I thought that I could beat this on my own, the fact was I needed help. I started therapy and after quite a long time, I reached a point where I was functioning on a more cognitive level. From that point on I started training to be a Transactional Analysis Therapeutic Counsellor. The training made me more aware where my thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours originated and how they impact my everyday life, it gave me tools to be able to manage and control how I react to stressful situations and events.

My aim now is to share this new, life changing knowledge and help to guide anyone who needs help to live a more spontaneous, fulfilling life. My practice is based on a strong therapeutic relationship and with collaborative work to allow the client to find their authentic self. My mantra is; “no matter how dark it gets, I will sit beside you until we see the light”

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

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